The file size of images can be reduced by performing image compression. When we capture images using our cameras, they are usually compressed immediately as JPEG files. Most digital single lens reflex cameras (DSLR's for short) allows the user to retain all the information received by the camera sensor (either CMOS or CCD) by providing a raw image. A high resolution image from my DSLR, which is in JPEG has a typical size of 4 to 6 MB. At the same time, a 20 to 40 MB raw file is saved. Discrete cosine transform (which I have mentioned way back) is performed on the image to achieve a smaller file size.
Image compression can also be performed using the concept of principal components. An image can be decomposed into a set of principal components. To visualize how it works, think of a point in a 3-dimensional space. Its distance from the origin can be described by its location along the x-, y-, and z-axis. Furthermore, if we have an multi-dimensional space, the location can be described with respect to the vectors that are orthogonal with each other. However, some of these vectors constitute a small portion on the measurement of the location of one point on the multi-dimensional space. If we neglect them, we can still be able to have a rough estimate of the location.
The same goes for image compression. This image:
Figure 1: Image that will be used for compression. (Photo credit: Norman MascariƱas) |
Figure 2. Gray scale image of the red component of Figure 1 |
Figure 3: Principal components |
Figure 4. Cumulative contribution of the components |
You'll see that there is a steep increase in the contribution from the first four components. This means that we adding one component at a time will give a noticeable change in the overall reconstruction of the image. Beyond the 40th component, the contribution no longer changes, which gives us an idea that the reconstruction will not have any difference, whatever number of components we select.
To reconstruct the image, I used the first M components and get the corresponding values in comprinc for each sub-image. The function pca() computes individually per sub-image, so we need to retrieve the "intensity" of each component for every sub-image.
Figure 5. Comparison of image reconstruction, with the number beside each indicating the number of components used for reconstruction |
As expected, the first few reconstructions are more "pixelated", meaning they look like they have chunks of pixels.. Zooming in on the first reconstruction:
Figure 6. Reconstruction using only the first component |
It really is a bad reconstruction, and looks like the usual images compressed using DCT at low compression rate. Increasing the number of components, as seen in Figure 5, produces a sharper and smoother image.
Figure 7. Reconstruction with 20 components
Figure 8. Reconstruction with 90 components
Comparing Figures 7 and 8, we see that there are no visible differences between the two. With this, we can just select the right number of component, which would roughly give around 99% of the image. Both of them (Figures 7 and 8) have cumulative contributions greater than 99%.
For this activity, I will give myself a grade of 10/10.
A13-Image compression. M. Soriano. 2013
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